Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Heart Healthy Carrot Soup Recipe

For people that have a heart disease or high blood pressure, removing fat in the food they eat is crucial. But it is not always a simple task! In fact, for the most part, the traditional American recipes almost always contain fat of some sort.
Unlike Asiatic people, we, American people, are used to eat a lot of Highly caloric, very fat food. We therefore suffer a lot more from heart diseases, something that is very uncommon in China, or Japan. Fortunately, our society is slowly changing: more and more of our traditional recipes are replaced with fat free versions.
In this short tutorial, I will give you a delicious carrot soup recipe that is good for your health.

Curried Carrot Soup

The recipe is called Carrot and Coriander Cream Soup.
* 1 pound carrot
* 1 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
* 1 medium onion, diced
* 4 cups chicken bouillon
* 4 tablespoons fresh coriander, chopped
* 1/4 skim milk
* 1 garlic clove, minced
* Salt & Pepper
* 1 teaspoon olive oil
In a large cooking pot, heat olive oil over medium heat, and cook the carrot, ground coriander, onion and garlic for 5-6 minutes then add the chicken bouillon and the rest of the seasoning. Reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Add the skim milk.
Now that the vegetables are tender, process the soup in a blender. You will have to repeat this step several times, so you will need a large bowl to contain the processed soup before transferring it back to the cooking pot. Serve Warm
Additional note: If you want the soup to be completely fat free, use 1/5 cup water instead of olive oil.
Bonus Recipes!
Here is a bonus recipe you might want to try: Carrot and Courgette Cream Soup
Another bonus recipe, with a tasty ginger kick: Carrot & Ginger Soup